More than anything, I wanted to tell Shimamoto about them. But they were beyond ordinary language. An entirely different set of words was needed, but I had no idea what these were. 我很想把如此漩涡的存在设法讲给岛本听,但那并非可以用日常语言向别人阐述的东西,要想准确表达必须使用别的不同的语言,而自己尚不知晓那种语言。
The language used in ads differs from ordinary language. a good ad often uses words to which make people attach positive meanings. 广告里所用的语言同普通语言是不同的。好的广告常常使用能引起人们正面联想的词语。
There are, however, philosophers who overdo this line of thought, treating ordinary language as sacrosanct. 但是,有些哲学家过分重视了这个思路,他们把日常语言看成是神圣不可侵犯的。
Convert code into ordinary language. 把代码转换成普通语言。
Literature transforms and intensifies ordinary language, deviates systematically from everyday speech. 文学改进并加强普通的语言,有系统地脱离日常的说话用语。
The concepts of ordinary language and philosophy are too general and abstract to do this. 日常语言和哲学概念过于笼统和抽象,所以无法做到这一点。
This is certainly an acceptable usage of the word in ordinary language but it is a broader conception of philosophy than that which will preoccupy us in this book. 在日常语言中,这无疑是“哲学”这个词的一种可以接受的用法,但这种用法比我们在这本书里关心的那种哲学概念要宽泛。
Although Taylor described turbulence in mathematical terms, we can talk about it in ordinary language. 虽然泰勒描述湍流用的是数学术语,但我们可以用普通语言谈论它。
To say that the Buddha attained parinirvana or Mahaparinirvana is the same as to say in ordinary language that he died ( Kalamakarimuni). 如果说佛陀已经进入了涅磐或者大般若涅磐,这是同样的。以通常的语言来说他死了。
The LSCI questions, like those of the FCI, were phrased, as much as possible, in ordinary language, and they include "distracters" drawn from common misconceptions. 跟FCI中的问题一样,LSCI中的问题也是尽可能运用普通语言、运用短句表达的,其中包含由于常见的概念错误而造成的“错误选项”。
He expressed figure's true temperament with ordinary language. 他利用日常生活语言来表现人物的真实气质。
This book helped to inspire so-called ordinary language philosophy. 此著催生所谓日常语言哲学。
He offers a way to restore philosophical discourse to ordinary language. 为此,他提出了使哲学话语重回日常语言的治疗方案。
They exalt ordinary language to the exclusion of one of its own traits: its disposition to keep on evolving. 他们过于抬举日常语言,甚至否定它自身的一个特点,即它的不断演化的特点。
They wrote in the ordinary language and not in Latin. 他们用普通的语言写作,而不是拉丁文。
Said explicitly that English takes an ordinary language, simply is not unnecessary god which that propagandizes, should not like the Chinese pedagogues such worship on bended knees to English. 明确的说,英语作为一门普通的语言,根本没有必要被宣传的那么神,更不应该如中国教育者那样对英语跪拜。
Hart applied conceptual analysis in ordinary language philosophy to jurisprudence, conceptual analysis i. 概念分析是现代分析法学的主要研究方法。
The early philosophy puts forward that the true and reliable language is the ideal language, while the later philosophy believes the ordinary language is true and reliable. 早期哲学认为真实可靠的语言是理想语言,后期哲学认为日常语言就是真实可靠的语言。
"Students learn a lot about grammar, language and linguistics," Munro said." You can study anything you want about ordinary language through the medium of slang. " “学生们从中学到了很多关于语法和语言学方面的知识。”芒罗教授说,“你可以通过俚语学到关于普通语言的一切。”
A machine that converts a coded text into ordinary language. 把编码文件转变成普通语言的机器。
That's the traditional view, not very regulationary, but it goes against ordinary language, and fancifies the phenomenology and the whole structure of what we mean when we talk about love. 这是传统的看法,不是规定的,但它和普通的语言相悖,并且空想了现象学和整个,我们讨论的爱的框架结构。
Conceptualization on any considerable scale is inseparable from language, and our ordinary language of physical things is about as basic as language gets. 任何值得考虑的概念化都是与语言分不开的,而最基本的语言就是我们关于物理事物的普通语言。
Recognize, analyze, evaluate and construct arguments in ordinary language. 利用日常用语辨识、分析、评价和进行辩论。
The language used in ads differs from ordinary language. 广告语言不同于日常用语。
But it still performs these ideological tasks in ordinary language locally and in global cultural relations. 但是在一般语言中,无论是地方还是全球范围的文化关系中,它仍具有意识形态的意涵。
In ordinary language, man is born free. 通俗地讲,人生来就是自由的。
So, Wittgenstein initiated ordinary language philosophy. 由此,维特根斯坦开创了日常语言分析哲学的先河。
Metaphor used to be regarded as a deviation from the ordinary language or figure of speech. 以前,隐喻一直被认为仅仅是一种修辞手段,是正常语言的偏离或违背。
Iconicity occurs in both ordinary language and literary texts. 象似性普遍存在于日常语言与文学语言中。
This distinction roughly dovetails with the opposition between ordinary language philosophy and ideal language philosophy. 这两者之间的分野大致同日常语言哲学与理想语言哲学的区别相吻合。